Black Girls Gather (A Book Club) targets young black girls between 12 and 18 years of age. The girls will be separated into two groups, comprised of 10 to 12 people each.

Group 1: 12 to 14 years old & Group 2: 15 to 18 years old

The book club welcomes English and French speaking youth, French versions of the books will be provided on demand if available.


Both age groups will be reading: 

Three books in the fall (October, November and January) and five books in the winter (February, March, April, May and June). There will be special workshops at the end of every month.


The book club will gather at the West Island Black Community Association (WIBCA) headquarters or will be online if government guidelines require it.



Black Girls Gather (A Book Club) will launch in September and last until June. The book club will meet for two hours every Thursday.